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Framework RosettaNet
The RosettaNet is the standard process of electronic commerce which is defined by non-commercial consortium which are consist of Electronic Components, Information Technology and Semiconductor Manufacturing companies in the world to present, implement and distribute the open electronic commerce standard process.

Especially, this standard process provides the common electronic commerce language including standard business process in the electronic commerce. This consortium was established in 1998 and overall 540 well-known companies participate it and is expanded to America, Europe and Asia. The RosettaNet provides the open standard including data dictionary, implementation framework, and management process of business message and process definition. So, it helps to construct perfect structure of business process.

In regional, RosettaNet consortium were organized and operated in North America, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and China. RosettaNet is also used as the standard framework of electronic commerce defined by the consortium, this standard framework provides the worldwide common electronic commerce language because the standard business process included in this framework.

Recently, the RosettaNet organization is trying to find a new way out by adoption of XML technology.
RosettaNet Framework and Technology
The RosettaNet framework consists of RosettaNet Dictionary, and RNIF (RosettaNet Implementation Framework), and PIP (Partner Interface Process).

RosettaNet Dictionary is the common collection of the attributes for PIP and it is divided to business part and technology part. The dictionary standardized common terminologies and attributes which are used in the business. The role of this dictionary is to provide a common platform for the business to decrease the investment and endeavor which are duplicated by each company. The business dictionary defines the business data and attributes. The current business dictionary in RosettaNet include XML file, DTD file and additional for about 400 attributes. The technical dictionary (RNTD; RosettaNet Technical Dictionary) define the attributes of the parts of electronics and products of information technology.
AutoXML Based Collaboration Model
AutoXML based B2B document creation is to create PIP XML document on the web.

AutoXML method provide XSL view, so users do not need to purchase any software to make PIP document or any development from the data in the ERP or SCM system to see PIP XML document on the web. Also, users can integrate PIP XML document with legacy system (ERP, SCM, etc.) by XML2DB integration tool.
AutoXML based PIP document creation
It is possible to create and exchange PIP document from the data in legacy system (ERP, SCM) on the web through AutoXML method.
The Difference from Existing Method
Classification Existing Method AutoXML Method
Creation B2B Application + Schema Webform + XML Creation Engine / B2B Application
XSL View No Yes
Valication Possible Possible
User Application B2B Application Web Browser
Exchange Process Require Additional Development XML - EDI
Creation Process Complicated Simple
B2B RosettaNet System Configuration
The Integration with B2B Portal System
AutoXML based B2B portal system enable users to create B2B PIP document from the existing information system like ERP, SCM and DW system. The PIP document can be exchanged in the web based XML EDI (Electronic Document Interchange) system among partners, collaborate company, distribute and warehouse system.