Key to the Kingdom of Knowledge
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3K OneAI
3K OneAI, 3K's AI technology, supports all global industry standards such as education, medical/bio, news, E-Commerce, law, finance, and voice recognition assistant based on AutoXML technology.
What is AutoXML AI technology?
AutoXML AI technology is applied in smartphones and PCs to provide users with convenient services as personal assistants.
First, personal assistants on different devices can exchange information and communicate with each other in both directions.

Second, it efficiently assists users in daily life and provides services such as alarm, search, self-driving, health diagnosis information, phone, music, entertainment, shopping, and education.

Third, it efficiently manages personal information to provide big data-based analysis/statistics to users.
3K AI Platform
Unlike existing AI platforms where information was disconnected from different devices, the 3K AI platform connects and communicates with various devices such as smartphones, TVs, cars, and speakers based on AutoXML standard data.
Personal AI assistant implemented with AutoXML standard technology
The AI assistant implemented with AutoXML technology communicates and collaborates with other AI assistants based on document, data, protocol, and language standards.

In addition, since AutoXML documents can be understood by both humans and machines at the same time, AI assistants can check documents and provide smooth services to users.
3K AI assistant provides services that utilize all kinds of digital content, such as business cards, schedules, messages, e-mails, documents, news, security, and chatting.